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Chiropractors in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, Chiropractic is not a common profession: no schools or Universities offer programs to acquire a degree in the field. In countries such as Canada, USA, South Africa, and Australia it is possible to study chiropractic. 

Chiropractic clinics often work with personnel from outside of the European Union, who require a residence and work permit to do their work as a chiropractor in the Netherlands. The pros and cons of each option will be discussed below.

Highly skilled migrant program (HSMP)

The most obvious choice to bring over highly educated employees would be to apply for a highly skilled migrant permit. The employing company would first have to obtain recognized sponsorship. This is a special status with the Immigration Service (IND), enabling companies to secure a residence and work permits for new hires from abroad within 2-3 weeks.

The company would also have to guarantee that the chiropractor is paid a sufficient (age-dependent) salary level, in accordance with Dutch market levels for comparable jobs. The IND may research the conformity of the salary, looking at education and experience, and/or assessing the salary of other employees working for the company.

EU Blue Card (EBC)

If recognized sponsorship is not the preferred choice, the company could opt for the EU Blue Card. This permit is also meant for highly educated employees, but the requirements are different. 

The salary level is not age dependent. It must be shown that the chiropractor has completed three years of high-level education, comparable to Dutch study programs. To prove that, a credential evaluation must be applied for at IDW, prior to the application for a residence permit. Alternatively, a chiropractor who has at least 5 years of relevant work experience can also be eligible for an EU Blue Card.

Lodging an EBC application as a non-recognized sponsor means that the decision term is longer (90 days). However, an advantage of the EBC is that there is no check on the salary level compared to market levels.

Residence as a freelancer

A third option would be for the chiropractor to apply for a residence permit as a self-employed person. The chiropractor would start up their own business and invoice an existing clinic or individual patients.

An advantage of this option may be that for certain nationalities it is generally a lot simpler to acquire this permit. If a chiropractor is from the USA, he or she can invoke the Dutch American Friendship Treaty (DAFT) which offers favorable conditions for freelancers. Japanese, Bolivian, and Turkish nationals also have treaty-based advantages. Nationals of other countries must comply with the point system.

For more information, please contact us.

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