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Bram van Melle

attorney-at-law, partner

+31(0)20 752 32 28

Bram specializes in corporate immigration and European migration law.

Together with his team, Bram provides strategic immigration planning to multinational companies doing business in the Netherlands. He works closely with clients to help them achieve and maintain compliance with immigration laws and regulations.
He is strongly committed to providing tailor-made counseling and a high level of service to clients. Most of his clients are foreign groups of companies with business locations in the Netherlands relocating managers, technical specialists or trainees.

Bram also advises and litigates in cases where the Netherlands Labour Authority (NLA) has fined employers for the illegal employment of foreign nationals or the breach of other obligations that apply to the employment of foreign nationals. He currently heads the employer sanctions department of the firm.

Bram publishes regularly and is currently an editor at Asiel&Migrantenrecht (A&MR), the leading law review in the field of immigration law. Furthermore, Bram has taught courses on Modern Migration Policy (MoMi) for OSR and CPO, and currently teaches for Sdu on various topics of employment immigration. He is the current chair of the board of the Netherlands Association of Specialized Immigration Attorneys (SVMA).


Who’s Who in Corporate Immigration


For a list of publications in Dutch please refer to the Dutch profile page.

Netherlands Bar registration

Bram van Melle has registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister):

  • General practice
    • Administrative law
  • Immigration law

Based on this registration, he is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.

Memberships and ancillary positions

SVMA – Specialisten Vereniging Migratierecht Advocaten, chair of the board
AILA/GMS – Global Migration Section, Conference Committee European Conference
Asiel- en Migrantenrecht (A&MR), contributing editor
WRV – Werkgroep Rechtsbijstand in Vreemdelingenzaken
IBA – International Bar Association
EILN – European Immigration Lawyers Network
NICCT – The Netherlands India Chamber of Commerce & Trade