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Webinar for foreign art students 2023

DATE: Monday, May 15, 2023
TIME: 4.30 pm

Our annual free lecture for international art students who want to stay in the Netherlands after graduation, will take place as a webinar again this year. The webinar will address the following:

  • How to obtain a residence permit that allows you to work as an artist or performer 
    • What is an orientation (or job-seeking) year? 
    • How long can you stay after completing your studies?

Lotte van Diepen will answer these questions and any other immigration related queries you may have.

To artists or performers from abroad who want to work in the Netherlands, special conditions apply. For example, you must be able to demonstrate your ‘added value’ to Dutch society. For several reasons, but mainly because of budget cuts in the arts, it is increasingly difficult to stay in the Netherlands – even if you graduated from a Dutch higher educational institute.

The webinar is in English. After a short presentation about the basic conditions for a permit, there will be time to ask questions.

For whom

This informative webinar is aimed at foreign students of art, music or dance, but foreign self-employed creatives with questions about residency issues are welcome too.


We do not charge a fee but you must register by sending an email to with “WEBINAR” in the subject line. Please mention your full name and the name of the institute you study at in the body of the email. A few days in advance, you will receive an access link to join the webinar on Monday May 15th.

If you want to alert others to this event, feel free to download the flyer here. We hope to welcome you on 15 May 2022!

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