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Romy joined Everaert Immigration Lawyers in October 2020 as junior legal support assistant while still studying. At Everaert Advocaten, Romy mainly focusses on family and labour migration.

Romy completed her bachelor’s degree in 2020 at the University of Amsterdam. During her bachelor’s, she went on exchange to Milan where she took courses in European law at Università Bocconi. She wrote her bachelor thesis on the possibilities for the European Union to restrict the acquisition of nationality as part of the foreign investors residence permit programs of Cyprus and Malta. In 2020, Romy started her masters in constitutional and administrative law at the University of Amsterdam, which she graduated from in 2022. During her masters, she did an internship at the Dutch Council of State at the Commission law of the European Union. Romy specialized in European constitutional and administrative law, by writing her thesis about the development of a Dutch principle of good administration and the lessons we can learn form European and international law.

Before Romy started working at Everaert Immigration Lawyers, she gained work experience at the Amsterdam Foundation for Criminal Law (Stichting Strafrechtswinkel Amsterdam) and at a law firm specialized in spatial planning and environmental law.