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Investor visa

Foreign investor’s permit before 17 April 2024

Foreign investors could apply for a Dutch residence permit in return for a substantial investment in the local economy.

The residence permit is valid for 3 years and can be renewed. After 5 years the investor can apply for a permanent residence permit or Dutch citizenship.

The requirements

The main requirement is to invest at least €1.250.000 in the local economy.

In addition, any 2 of the following requirements must be met:

  • the investment adds to innovation in a particular industry
  • the investment creates jobs
  • the investor brings a high value personal network or specific knowledge

The investment and its source are assessed by the IND (Immigration and Naturalization Service) in cooperation with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) of the Netherlands to avoid money laundering.

Investment options

Applicants can invest in a Dutch company. Investment in real estate is accepted, but residential use -in either a private or commercial setup- is not included as an investment option.

Applicants may also invest in a seed fund, a venture capital fund, or a joint venture that invest in 1 or more innovative companies. The seed and capital venture funds must be affiliated to the Nederlandse Vereniging van Participatiemaatschappijen if so, added value does not need to be demonstrated any further.

The benefits

  • free access to the labor market
  • no civic integration conditions
  • stay abroad is permitted up to 8 months in any 12 months period
  • spouse and dependent children can join and enjoy the same benefits

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