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New EU Blue Card Directive fully implemented

The new EU Blue Card Directive has been fully implemented in the Netherlands since 12 June 2024. This legislation includes major changes to the EU Blue Card scheme. IND applies some of the new rules already while awaiting further implementation of the new EU Blue Card Directive. The most interesting and significant changes will be […]

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Stay in the Netherlands as key personnel of an NGO

By Sofia Helbing Charities, non-profit organisations or other non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) can bring managers or specialists – so called key personnel – to the Netherlands under special conditions. The NGO must demonstrate that it is internationally oriented, and that it has more than 50 employees worldwide. Furthermore, the NGO must show that the manager or […]

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Lecture for foreign art students 2024

DATE: Thursday, May 30, 2024TIME: 19:00hrsLOCATION: STUDIO/K – Timorplein 62, AmsterdamREGISTRATION: Our annual free lecture for international art students who want to stay in the Netherlands after graduation, will take place as an in-person event this year. The presentation will address general topics related to legal residency for foreign artists, such as: Lotte van […]

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Abolishment residency procedure foreign investors

As of 17 April 2024, the residency procedure for foreign investors has been abolished. The foreign investor’s regulation was not used often enough. It did not add sufficiently to the Dutch business climate nor did it stimulate the financing of startups in a significant way. People who hold a foreign investor’s permit can still extend […]

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Is dual nationality Dutch – South-African a possibility?

Do you have the South African nationality and are you wondering if you can obtain the Dutch nationality without losing your South African nationality? This article will provide you with more information on this. The general rule in the Netherlands is that you must renounce other nationalities when you become Dutch through naturalization. In South […]

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Long-term legal residence in the Netherlands without a passport and without a RANOV permit? IND must assess proportionality of document requirement in naturalisation procedure

The Council of State has issued a ruling in a case brought by Danielle Snaathorst and Elles Besselsen. Their client’s naturalisation request had been rejected because he was unable to provide a passport and birth certificate from Angola. Their client does not fall under the exemption policy for Ranov permit holders because he had already […]

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Preliminary questions regarding non-Ukrainian third-country nationals

Since last summer, there has been much unclarity about the question whether it is possible to end the temporary protection for “third-country nationals” earlier than the temporary protection of other displaced persons from Ukraine. These are persons of non-Ukrainian nationality who fled Ukraine while they had a temporary residence permit there. Some of them received […]

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Return of Susanne Mooij

We are pleased to announce that Susanne Mooij will return to our firm as an attorney-counsel as of April 1st. With more than 15 years of experience in Dutch and European immigration law, Susanne is an asset to our team. Susanne has a focus on assisting clients in the creative industry, including artists, designers, dancers […]

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Changes regarding the obligation to keep and retain records for recognized sponsors of highly skilled migrants subject to reduced salary criterion

As a recognized sponsor, the employer of a highly skilled migrant has the obligation to keep and retain details of the foreign national in their records. This obligation comes down to retaining the evidence showing that the foreign national meets the conditions for the requested residence permit. Failure to comply with this obligation can be […]

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